GSOC 2020 Week 12
Google summer of code is over now. In these weeks I worked towards bringing the agent on par with the changes in the core library and in hydrus. This involved the changes in the internal structure of redis datastore. Earlier the structure of the datastore was something like this:

snapshot of the datastore earlier
But now since the Drone Class should contain all the instances of the drone and the instances should point to the instance of the embedded classes. Thus the new structure of the datastore is:

New snapshot of structure of the datastore
From the above structure on can see Drone node is pointing to the instance of the drone, and State node being the embedded resource as defined in the apidoc, The instance of the Drone is pointing to the instance of the State node.
The implementation is done in this PR:
Also, I worked on updating the documentation of core library and ensured continuous build of documentation for the core repository.