Why I like Brackets.io
Very recently I moved from Sublime Text to Brackets and I am loving it. It may be possible that Sublime or any other editor which you are using may appear best to you like sublime text appeared to me earlier. But I think there is nothing wrong in exploring new things.
Brackets is created by Adobe especially for front-end developers.
The best part of brackets is that it is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It gives goosebumps to think that many of the developers that are working on it can actually help build it. They already know major portion of how their text editor can be built better. Together we can build it for ourselves.
It has various packages which we can download. Like ‘beautify’ which takes care of all the indents and alignments or ‘Vendor Prefixes’ which automatically checks from caniuse.com and adds the vendor Prefixes to the needy codes. You are left with no options than just to focus on the real code.
It has some outstanding features that is inbuilt too. Like when you are writing JavaScript it checks it using JS Lint and warns you. That takes absolutely no internet connection. Also the Live Preview brought that ‘Save and Reload’ game to an end. Just write and switch. Its that simple. (Live Preview is only for chrome for the time being but they are promising that it would be available for all major browsers soon. Assigning styles to the html is made lot simple. The quick edit (ctrl+E) will let you apply styles directly, it saves a lot of precious time. Also there is color palette for entering colors.
Web developers require dummy text and images to see if their style is working or not. Some editors do provide the text but what about the image? Brackets has a extension called Lorem Pixel which inserts an image on just a click.
There are many more features in addition to it.
Did I tell you that Brackets is free unlike Sublime Text or Atom?